

(205) 933-9595


(256) 249-2212

Treatment for Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails can be very painful,l and can happen to both children and adults. They are usually the result of the shape of the toe or the shape of the nail. At Podiatry Associates in Birmingham and Sylacauga, AL, we treat ingrown toenails and many other foot conditions. Dr. Robert Russell and Dr. James Bowman offer a full array of podiatry services.

Several different treatments are available for ingrown toenails depending on how bad the ingrown toenail is and whether it responds to home treatment.

Soaking Your Foot

If your toe has not become infected, it is possible to begin your treatment at home. Soaking your foot in warm water and Epsom salt can help to soften the nail so that you can gently guide it away from the skin. You can massage the side of the toe to help reduce the irritation. Don't try to do home surgery on your toenail. You are just increasing your likelihood of developing an infection. Take over-the-counter pain medication if necessary.


Surgery is another option that is available for treatment. Several different surgical options are possible depending on what exactly is happening and how long it has been going on.

Removing a piece of nail is the most conservative option. Usually, this will be necessary when home treatment hasn't worked and the toe has become infected. It is done in the office under local anesthesia. This may not end up being a permanent solution and often requires that it be done more than once.

Partial nail and nail bed removal helps to end the cycle of recurring toe infections. Once the nail bed is removed, the nail will not regrow, so the problem will be resolved. A partial removal does not significantly change the appearance of the toe.

Full toenail and nail bed removal is the most drastic action, and it removes the entire nail and the nail bed so that you will not have a toenail on that toe. It does change the appearance of the toe and will only be used as a last resort.


Preventing ingrown toenails in the first place can cut down on the need for these surgical solutions. Wear shoes that fit correctly and don't press on your toe, learn to trim your toenails properly and keep them at a moderate length. When you notice that your toenail is sore,  don't ignore it, seek treatment before it becomes serious.

Contact Podiatry Associates in Birmingham, and Sylacauga, AL for ingrown toenails. Dr. Russell and Dr. Bowman are accepting new patients. Give us a call in Birmingham at (205) 933-9595 or Sylacauga at (256) 249-2212 to set up an appointment.

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7:30 AM-4:30 PM


7:30 AM-4:30 PM


7:30 AM-4:30 PM


7:30 AM-4:30 PM


7:30 AM-4:30 PM



